Thursday, June 17, 2010

Instructional Media Final Reflection

Instructional Media Final Reflection

Answer the following questions on your blog:

1. What? - Summarize this course. What is it about? What technologies were covered? What theories/perspectives were introduced? Identify at least 3 specific things that you have learned in this class.
A. This class discusses how to use the technology, like computers, telephones, cameras and myself. We learned how to use many things that are out there to make all of us better more informed teachers. I learned how to use power point, you tube, a MAC, how to make web quest, stories and there is so much more to list everything was new to me.

2. So What? - Why is this class part of your course requirements for licensure? How has it helped you progress with regard to the INTASC and NETS standards? Be specific.
A. It is required for our license because we need to know how to use these technologies properly but more importantly be able to show our students how to use them safely. Again I had absolutely no knowledge of these types of things, and now I am starting to get more informed on these thing and will be able to educate my students, and do it with a lot more confidence.

3. Now What? - Will you be using technology in your future classroom? Why or why not? If so, which technologies will you be using? Why? What do you still need to learn about technology? Describe at least 2 specific goals that you have for improving your technology skills.
A. As I explained in the other reflections we have done, these things I have learned are awesome and I will be using the WebQuests, and the stories for sure every chance I get. There is a ton I need to still learn, the most important thing for me will be practice and a lot of it.

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