Saturday, April 10, 2010

Course Contract Review#3

Complete the following assignment on your blog AFTER completing each exam.

Review your course contract from the beginning of the semester. Answer the following questions:
  1. What are you doing well? The only thing I am doing well at this time of the semester is attendance. I am still keeping up with the class but starting to fall behind.
  2. What are you not doing well? Making sure I give enough time for the specific assignments.
  3. Are you making sufficient progress on your goals? Not at all. I don't have the time I thought I would have.
  4. List specific things you need to change in order to meet your goals.I still need to find more time in the days, which is very hard to do with three children.
  5. How is your motivation? Are you focusing on mastery or performance goals? Does anything need to change? I still am very motivated to do well in school, but it is dwindling fast.

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